Minimum wage raises contribute to rural-urban inequality in Kenya Kenya is experiencing high levels of rural-urban migration that lead to increased unemp...
The impact of increased public spending on education in Cambodia Cambodia is currently facing a skills shortage, creating a mismatch of skills between i...
The impact of minimum wage raises on the Bolivian labor market Since 2006, Bolivia has experienced sustained growth that prompted the Bolivian governm...
The role of unions in improving working conditions in Ghana Despite non-wage benefits - such as sick leave, maternity leave, and paid holiday - bei...
The impact of trade reforms on employment and wellbeing in Senegal In 2014, West African countries negotiated an economic partnership agreement (EPA) with...
Land tenure policy and women’s off-farm employment in rural China China passed the Rural Land Contracting Law in 2002 aiming to promote investment, diver...
The impact of child and youth work on school performance in Brazil Despite a significant improvement in school attendance Brazil continues to lag behind o...
Macroeconomic impact of the MGNREGA guaranteed rural work scheme in India High growth in India over recent years has widened the gap between the rich and the poo...
Labor market scarring for youth in Macedonia Youth unemployment levels in Macedonia are particularly high and pose a significant pro...
Impact of minimum wage policies in Ecuador Since coming to power in 2007, the Government of Ecuador has revised the structure of m...
The impact of vocational training programs on youth unemployment in Mongolia High levels of unemployment, particularly amongst youth, pose a significant problem in ...
Trade liberalization and employment effects in Indian manufacturing Labor force participation in India is low (56% of people aged 15+) and for women it is ...
Skills mismatches and unemployment spells: The case of Macedonia’s youth Despite many labor policies over the past twenty years, the youth unemployment rate in ...
Socioeconomic analysis of informal employment in Cameroon This study aims to assess the impact of policies implemented by the government of Camer...
A static CGE model of the Mongolian economy A boom in the Mongolian mining sector has meant significant growth for the country, but...
Dutch disease, informality, and employment intensity in Colombia This study investigates the impact of a boom in the Colombian oil and mining sectors on...
The effect of input-trade liberalization on farm and non-farm labour participation in rural Vietnam This study investigates the impact of trade liberalization policy on the farm-nonfarm b...
Migration, remittances, labor market and human capital in Senegal This study investigates the effects of migration and remittances on labour market parti...
Remittances impact on youth labour supply: evidence from Kyrgyzstan The objective of this study is to investigate the impact of remittances from internatio...
Spillovers from off-farm self-employment opportunities in rural Niger Selected for support under the second round (2014) of the PAGE initiative, a team of lo...
Impacts of Cambodia’s tariff elimination on household welfare and labor market: a CGE approach As it prepares for the establishment of the ASEAN Economic Community, by the end of 201...
Assessing the impact of China's economic/trade expansion on growth and employment in Burkina Faso Through a series of simulations conducted using a CGE model of their national economy, ...
Assessing the impact of oil/mining sector’s boom on labor market and economic development in Niger The objective of this study - selected for support under the PAGE initiative in 2013 - ...
Social protection to the informal sector in Argentina: role of minimum wage and income transfer policies The aim of this PEP-supported project - selected for support under the first round of t...
Youth self-employment in households receiving remittances in Macedonia Selected for support under the PEP initiative for "Policy Analysis on Growth and Emplo...
Efficience de production du secteur informel et réduction de la pauvreté au Cameroun There is general concern that the recent improvements in Cameroon’s economy, in terms o...
Wage and income inequalities among Chinese rural-urban migrants from 2002 to 2007 Since 1988, rural-to-urban migration has become an important social and economic phenom...