PEP Research Fellow
Professor, Stellenbosch University, South Africa
Ronelle Burger is a professor at the Economics Department at Stellenbosch University. She is an National Research Foundation rated researcher and currently appointed as a full-time researcher via the NRF Research Career Advancement programme. She is also a research fellow of the Centre for Development and International Trade at Nottingham University.
Her interest is in poverty and exclusion in African countries, with a focus on the role of health inequalities. Her research is closely aligned with policy processes because it aims to inform and support initiatives to fight inequity and address problems with service delivery.
She has consulted to National and Provincial government in South Africa and also multilateral donors such as UNICEF and the World Bank. Recent sabbatical visits include the Centre for Health Policy at Imperial College London and the Institute for Policy Studies at Johns Hopkins University. She holds a PhD in Economics from Nottingham University and a Masters degree in Economics from Cambridge University.
Fields of specialization
Gender & women’s empowerment
Poverty and inequality
Health and nutrition
Education and training
Impacts of government programs