PEP-generated datasets
Among PEP’s guiding principles is the view that its research outputs should be made available to the public in an accessible, reusable, timely and complete manner, as outlined in its Open Access and Data Management Policy.
Under PEP’s Grant Plus research support program, local researchers sometimes collect primary data to fill existing data gaps and carry out impact evaluations in developing countries. These data are used as the research teams apply cutting-edge methodologies to analyse key economic and social policy challenges from a local perspective. Projects that use the Community-Based Monitoring System (CBMS) and experimental research (PIERI) methodologies require primary data collection.
Free public access to these datasets is available under Creative Commons licensing. When you click on the link to download a dataset you will be taken to a licensing agreement form. You must accept the licence agreement to receive the files by email.
Any work that uses or references PEP-published data, whatever the format, must include the following acknowledgment:
Data for this study [paper, article, etc.] come from the Partnership for Economic Policy (PEP) with funding from the Department for International Development (DFID) of the United Kingdom (or UK Aid) and the Government of Canada through the International Development Research Centre (IDRC).
PEP datasets are organised into two main groups:
Community-based monitoring system (CBMS) datasets
Experimental research datasets
See also: Guidelines on data sharing, including publishing datasets in external data repositories and publishing data papers in data journals.
External datasets
- UNICEF: Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS)
- IFPRI datasets: Household- and Community-level Surveys / Social Accounting Matrices
- SEDLAC - Socio-Economic Database for Latin America and the Caribbean
- Ethnicity and the Millennium Development Goals
- The International Household Survey Network (IHSN) has established a web-based Central Survey and Census Catalog, which provides users with access to selected survey and census metadata, documentation and datasets. Access to underlying electronic files is enforced and controlled according to each official depositor’s policy.
- The World Bank has developed DataBank, an analysis and visualisation tool that contains collections of time series data on a variety of topics. You can create your own queries; generate tables, charts, and maps; and easily save, embed, and share them.
- The World Bank also offers a Microdata library, a collection of datasets from the World Bank and other international, regional and national organizations.
- The Living Standards Measurement Survey (LSMS) web site lists all LSMS surveys conducted so far and gives information on how to obtain the data. LSMS surveys collect household data that can be used to assess household welfare, understand household behavior, and evaluate the effects of various government policies on living conditions. Data on many dimensions of household well-being are generally collected (consumption, income, savings, employment, health, education, fertility, nutrition, housing and migration).
- Demographic and Health Surveys (DHSs) are often used to look at health and education indicators. You can find information on how to access the datasets on the DHS web site.
- Household Expenditure and Income Data for Transitional Economies (HEIDE) is a database of household expenditure and income data from recent surveys. It was created by a World Bank research team as part of a project analyzing poverty and social assistance in transition economies.
- OECD Child Well-Being Data Portal
- RHoMIS offers surveys and data about farming households in the rural developing world
- American Economic Review datasets and code for papers published in AER journals are accessible for replication of results and other uses.
- Harvard Dataverse is a repository containing data from randomized experiments in the social sciences, including data from studies run by researchers associated with Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA) and the Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL). Data, statistical code underlying published research results, surveys, and documentation are included.
- an innovative platform that centralizes and analyzes geo-referenced data for developing countries with interactive visualizations and advanced analysis tools. GeoImpact helps decision-makers to optimize their development strategies, plan resilient infrastructure, and assess the impact of social and environmental policies.