Nisha Arunatilake

Headshot of Nisha Arunatilake

PEP Research Fellow, Research Fellow Representative, and Gender Committee

Director of Research, Institute of Policy Studies, Sri Lanka

Nisha Arunatilake is the Director of Research and a fellow at the Institute of Policy Studies (IPS) of Sri Lanka.  She has considerable post-doctoral experience in conducting policy related economic research in labour market analysis, education, public finance and health.  Her work is published in both local and international journals, book chapters and reports. She has collaborated with, and has been a consultant to bilateral and multi-lateral donor agencies. She is a Research Fellow of PEP, and a Research Associate of the Commitment to Equity (CEQ) Institute of the Tulane University of New Orleans, USA. She has served in National Level Committees on general education, techncial education and vocational training, pension reforms, higher education, labour, employment, human resource development, migration, health sector reform, and tobacco and alcohol policy formulation. Nisha Arunatilake holds a BSc in Computer Science and Mathematics with summa cum laude from the University of the South, USA and an MA and PhD in Economics from Duke University, USA.

Find her CV and list of PEP-supported projects here.

Fields of specialization

Gender & women’s empowerment

Poverty and inequality

Health and nutrition

Education and training

Fiscal policy

Labour markets and employment

Youth and children

Social protection

Research Fellows    Gender Committee


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