Webinar Series: Increasing Global South Participation in Development Economics

From September 2022

Building on their research and Call to Action, PEP Research Fellows are holding a series of webinars to advance the conversation and address the lack of diversity in Development Economics.

From September 2022, a group of PEP Research Fellows are holding a series of webinars to address the lack of diversity in Development Economics, which limits the discipline’s fairness and efficacy.

The focus topics of each event will build on the research conducted by the Research Fellows on the participation of Global South researchers in development economics debates and the points identified in the Call to Action. Obstacles to greater participation of local researchers in development policy debates was also the subject of discussion during our PEP policy conference in 2021

During these events, panels of experts and practitioners from the field being examined identify and discuss concrete actions to increase Southern participation in economic development journals, conferences, policy discussions, and consulting.

In September, we held our first webinar in this series. In this webinar, we discussed ways to increase Southern participation in leading development economics journals.

The second webinar was held on November 7, 1 p.m. UTC and looked at the role of development conference organisers in addressing the imbalance in regional representation and decolonising the field of Development Economics. Consult the calendar below for information about the panel and moderators.

Our webinar series will continue throughout 2023 with more details to come. Stay informed about our upcoming webinars by bookmarking this page. Keep an eye out for updates and mark your calendar for the next session.


February 11, 2022 - Actions to increase Southern-led development (Series launch)

2-3 p.m. UTC

PEP Research Fellow Speakers: 

  • Vaqar Ahmed – Joint Executive Director, Sustainable Development Policy Institute,
  • Nisha Arunatilake - Director of Research, Institute of Policy Studies, Sri Lanka
  • Veronica Amarante - Professor, Instituto de Economía, Universidad de la República
  • Ronelle Burger - Professor, Stellenbosch University
  • Ana Lucia Kassouf - Professor, University of Sao Paulo, Esalq-USP
  • Lucas Ronconi - Professor of Economics, Universidad de Buenos Aires-CONICET

During this webinar, PEP Research Fellows discussed the results of their studies and recommendations for increasing Southern researchers' participation in development economics research, policy and consulting activities. 


September 23, 2022 - How can development economics journals better include Southern researchers?

November 7, 2022 - Southern representation in development economics conferences: A webinar-based dialogue with an expert panel

1-2 p.m. UTCFind your local time 

Moderated by the Research Fellows Ronelle Burger and Vaqar Ahmed, the panelists will be:

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Webinars are online workshops that you can attend via the internet from your computer or portable internet device. Webinars in this series will use the Zoom video conferencing platform.

These events will be recorded to be distributed publicly afterwards. By registering for an event in this series, you give your consent for this. The information you provide will be held on our database to process your booking. We do not share data with any third parties.

Relevant events - Explore previous PEP events for more insights

Stay informed and engaged by checking out our previous conferences. Hear from experts on making policy debates more inclusive through our in-depth panel discussions, available to watch online.

Power in Proximity: For greater participation of local researchers in development policy debates

June 4, 2021

Panel discussion and Q&A speakers:

John Young from INASP, United Kingdom, moderated the discussion.

More inclusive policy debates lead to more effective policy choices and more sustainable development outcomes that better respond to local needs. But are in-country researchers systematically involved in the design and evaluation of development policies?  If not, how could their participation and leadership be enhanced? These questions inspired the theme of the 2021 PEP Policy Conference, held as an online event on to conclude the 2021 PEP Annual Conference.


2022 PEP Symposium: Next Steps in Promoting Southern-Driven Development

June 10, 2022 

Next Steps in Promoting Southern-Driven Development

  • Fred Carden, Chair, PEP Board of Directors, moderated the discussion between the panellists, who represented the organisation, our researchers, and our donors:
  • Mustapha K. Nabli, Chair, PEP Board of Directors (2013-2019) 
  • Ana Lucia Kassouf, PEP Research Fellow and Professor, Department of Economics, University of Sao Paulo 
  • Christopher Chibwana, Gender Equity and Governance, William and Flora Hewlett Foundation  
  • Arjan de Haan, Sustainable Inclusive Economies, International Development Research Centre (IDRC)

During the PEP Symposium event, PEP delved into its rich history, showcasing our achievements and key lessons learned from supporting locally-led research and evidence-informed policymaking in developing countries. Presentations by PEP leaders were followed by short videos featuring testimonials from alumni on the value of working with PEP and the contributions of the organization's founders and builders. The event concluded with a forward-looking panel discussion on PEP's "Next Steps in Promoting Southern-Driven Development.


2023 PEP Conference: Increasing participation of southern researchers in development economics policy and debates

June 9, 2023

Increasing participation of southern researchers in development economics policy and debates

  • Rose NgugiExecutive Director, Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis 
  • Rohinton MedhoraDistinguished Fellow, Centre for International Governance Innovation 
  • Santiago LevyThe Brookings Institution
  • Hanan MorsyChief Economist, United Nations Economic Commission for Africa 

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