PEP Research Fellows are enriching international development debates with Southern perspectives

January-July, 2024

So far in 2024, more than half of PEP’s Research Fellows have participated in international events and/or had their research published.

PEP’s Research Fellows have had a busy and productive first half of 2024, contributing their important perspectives to international economic development research debates.

Five fellows have participated as presenters or speakers at six international events. Four more have had their research published in international academic journals, and eight have published PEP research.

The presentations and publications span a range of important topics for international development, including poverty, health, employment, climate/environment, youth, women, and the importance of including Southern research perspectives.

In chronological order:





  • Jorge Puig presented a paper on ‘Energy subsidies: conceptual framework and measurement for distributive impacts in Argentina’ at the 9th Latin American Energy Economics Meeting (ELAEE) in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
  • Ana Lucia Kassouf presented a paper on ‘The Impact of Natural Disaster on Education in Brazil’ at the 16th International Conference on Climate Change: Impacts & Responses in Pau, France.
  • Thierno Malick Diallo and Lucas Ronconi had their paper “Beyond the Law-in-the-Books: Labour Enforcement in Senegal” published in The Economic and Labour Relations Review.





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