PEP researchers in Niger hold national policy conference to promote surface water mobilization for hunger reduction

March 13, 2019 | Niamey, Niger

A team of local PEP researchers held a national policy conference to discuss how better use of surface water can help Niger achieve its “Zero Hunger” target.

March 13, 2019 – A team of local PEP researchers held a national policy conference in Niamey, Niger, to discuss their findings on how better use of surface water can improve agricultural production and reduce climate change vulnerability in Niger, helping the country achieve its “Zero Hunger” target.

More than 30 stakeholders, including representatives of the Ministère d’Agriculture et d’Élevage(MAG-EL/Ministry of Agriculture and Farming) and the Banque Ouest Africaine de Développement (BOAD/West African Development Bank), attended the event where the research team discussed their findings and recommendations.

In presenting their PEP study on the Agricultural reforms, employment and poverty reduction in Niger, selected under the PAGE II initiative in 2017, the research team explained how mobilizing water—particularly surface water—can have positive effects on agricultural production, employment, and income. 

“By using surface water, we can increase agricultural production by up to 13%,” said Mrs Bibata Mahamadou, one of the research team. “Additionally, as the agricultural sector grows, there will be more jobs, especially for young people,” she added.

Furthermore, by ensuring large-scale irrigation that can increase agricultural production, the government can reduce Niger’s vulnerability to food and climate crises. Find out more about the team’s research methods, findings, and policy recommendations in PEP Policy Brief 192 (in French).

Mr Moustapha Diao, representing the BOAD, was pleased to see the positive impact of investing in water mobilization. He said: “I’m overjoyed that this study shows how increasing water mobilization can help Niger’s economy grow.”

The Secretary General of the MAG-EL, Mr Diamoitou Boukari, was unable to attend the conference but had previously congratulated the team on their work. “Your research corresponds exactly with our strategic axes,” he said.

Journalists from Télé Sahel (the national broadcaster of Niger) and Radio Télévision Tambara (a private broadcaster) reported from the event.


The research team organized the event with support from PEP and in collaboration with the Ministère d’Agriculture et d’Élevage


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