PEP experimental research to inform policy decisions in Africa presented at annual meeting in Bissau

March 2023 | Guinea-Bissau

PEP's Experimental Research group convened project team leaders and mentors to share research findings, provide feedback, and discuss recommendations from studies addressing critical challenges in East and West Africa at a recent event in Bissau.

PEP successfully hosted its Experimental Research Annual Meeting in Guinea-Bissau, from March 27-29. The gathering brought together team leaders and mentors from various experimental research initiatives, providing a platform for intensive collaboration, knowledge sharing, and project updates.

The meeting, marking PEP's first in-person gathering of project teams and mentors since the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, allowed participants to present their research findings, obtain feedback on their data collection and intervention strategies, and engage in discussions on early results with experts.

The event kicked off with an opening address by PEP's Executive Director, Prof. Jane Mariara. Over the course of three days, participants engaged in project presentations, one-on-one work sessions between teams and mentors, and individual meetings.

PEP' Experimental Research meeting showcased projects from several of our ongoing initiatives, including Fostering Autonomous Local Impact Evaluations for Policymaking (FALIEP), Impact Evaluation Mentoring for Governments in East and West Africa (IE GM), Strengthening Impact Evaluation Capacities for Development (SIECD), Growth and Economic Opportunities for Women (GrOW), Covid-19 Responses for Equity (CORE) and, with the support of Fund for Innovations in Development (FID), Addressing the challenge of equitable access to quality health care in Ethiopia (FID Ethiopia).

PIERI presentation

These research projects, funded by The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, International Development Research CentreFund for Innovations in Development, and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, address critical issues like agricultural producer support services, climate resilience, education, health, and social inclusion in countries such as Guinea-Bissau, Benin, Cote d'Ivoire, Gambia, Tanzania, Malawi, and Ethiopia.

The 2023 Annual Meeting in Bissau highlighted the ongoing commitment of PEP and its partners to fostering effective solutions for economic and social challenges across Africa. By providing a platform for collaboration and knowledge sharing, PEP continues to play a key role in empowering researchers and organizations to support locally driven policy decisions on the continent.


To learn more about the projects presented at the PEP Experimental Research 2023 Annual Meeting, you can read more about the projects below: 

Fostering Autonomous Local Impact Evaluations for Policymaking (FALIEP) in East and West Africa

PIERI-20653 Evaluating the impact of a support hotline for cashew producers, GuineaBissau

PIERI-20617 Introducing ICT-enabled climate services to build smallholder farmers resilience: evidence from an experimental study, Benin

Impact Evaluation Mentoring for Governments in East and West Africa

PIERI-20372 Soft Skills Training and Social Inclusion of Vulnerable Youth in PostConflict Côte d’Ivoire: Evidence from a Randomized Control Trial

Strengthening Impact Evaluation Capacities for Development (SIECD)

PIERI-20654 Learning Through Play and Early Childhood Education, Gambia

PIERI-20612 SMS Campaign to Increase COVID-19 Vaccine Take-up in Tanzania

PIERI-20620 Productivity Impact of Integrating Soil Fertility Management Interventions (SFMIs) in Input Subsidy Programs (ISPs), Malawi

Covid-19 Responses for Equity (CORE)

PIERI-20659 Field experiments to promote inclusive adaptation to and recovery from the COVID-19 crisis: Vulnerability of urban youth in Cote d’Ivoire

PIERI-20580 The Covid-19 pandemic in Benin: Perception and coping strategies among soybean producers, Benin

Fund for Innovations in Development

22-FID-Ethiopia-Birhanu Pilot for the implementation of differential contributions in the Community Bases Health Insurance Program, Ethiopia


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