African Fellows strengthen education research capacities on Europe trip

September 2024 | Paris, France & Munich, Germany

Ten PEP-supported Fellows from Africa gained invaluable insights through training and networking events in Europe.

The 10 Fellows of the Africa Fellows in Education Program (AFEP) 2024 cohort travelled to France and Germany, gaining unique and invaluable experiences to support their research projects.

Starting in Paris, France, the Fellows attended a three-day training workshop, tailored to their research needs. The workshop on Education Planning and Policies was hosted by the International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP-UNESCO).

Through interactive presentations and teamwork, the Fellows explored topics ranging from education policy design and implementing educational policies, to using data and financial resources for effective planning, and approaches to monitoring student learning and the quality of education.

They also presented their research proposals and received important feedback from IIEP experts.

“These were very engaging sessions on education planning and education finance,” said Ramaele Moshoeshoe, AFEP Director.

While in Paris, the Fellows also met Prof. Eric Hanushek, President of Global Education Analytics Institute (GEAI) that funds the AFEP. He was pleased to discuss each of their research ideas.

The Fellows then attended the 2024 CESifo Conference on the Economics of Education in Munich, Germany. There, they networked with the best education economists from top universities in the US, Europe, and Israel.

During the conference, Ramaele participated in a panel discussion on the Economics of Education in Africa. He called for a coordinated approach to implementing the education strategies that have been shown to be effective.

“We know so much about great interventions, such as early grade reading, teaching at the right level, removing informational constraints about education benefits, etc. But when implemented piecemeal, these interventions will not transform education in Africa,” he said.

This session discussing the most important topics relating to education research and development in Africa was organised as part of both the AFEP and the activities celebrating the 25th anniversary of the CESifo Network. The other panellists were Susan Dynarski (Harvard University), Eric Hanushek (Stanford University and GEAI), and Karthik Muralidharan (UC San Diego). The discussion was moderated by Ludger Woessmann (ifo and LMU Munich).


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