Reshaping the Education Policy Landscape in Africa

Blog by the Partnership for Economic Policy

Getting to know the Africa Fellows in Education Program, the fellows and their work.

Introducing the Africa Fellows in Education Program

Africa faces both a learning crisis and an acute lack of cutting-edge policy research that can inform policies to address existing issues. For solutions to be effective, these have to be contextualized locally and led by researchers that are embedded.

The Africa Fellows in Education Program (AFEP), a collaborative program between the Global Education Analytics Institute (GEAI) and the Partnership for Economic Policy (PEP), addresses this local capacity gap and seeks to improve education decision-making across Sub-Saharan Africa.

The GEAI-PEP AFEP founded by Prof. Eric Hanushek (2021 Yidan Prize for Education Research Laureate) was developed with initial funding through the Yidan Prize for Education Research. This two-year research and policy development fellowship program, targets talented young Africans (35 years and below) based in Africa and incorporates in-country activities and training opportunities abroad.

Prof Eric"The quality of schools in Africa will determine its economic future. These fellows are working to make that a better future," said Prof. Eric Hanushek.


Prof Jane Mariara"The skills these Fellows are gaining and the work they will produce exemplifies PEP’s mission to promote Southern-driven development through high-quality and locally relevant evidence," said Prof. Jane Mariara, PEP Executive Director.

Research that counts

After a competitive process that attracted over 275 applicants from 33 African countries, four candidates from four countries were selected to form the inaugural cohort of Africa Fellows in Education and they started their journey in June, 2023. 

Measuring the impact of non-cognitive skills on education performance in South Africa

HeleenHeleen Hofmeyr is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Economics Department at Stellenbosch University, South Africa.

Although there is much evidence of the crucial role socio-emotional skills play in supporting learning from high-income countries, there is a dearth of evidence on this issue from low-and-middle income countries at large, and from Africa, in particular. Heleen will fill this gap by researching the role interventions targeted at enhancing the socio-emotional skills of students can play in improving learning outcomes, especially in the early grades, which are foundational. Her research aligns with South Africa’s education policy agenda of ensuring that all children master foundational skills that set them up for future success.

Unpacking the impact of learning outcomes in The Gambia

AmadouAmadou Jallow is an Economics Lecturer and the Unit Head of the Economic Program at the University of The Gambia.

Through understanding the factors that lead to poor student performance at national and international exams, including examining the root causes of poor reading and numeracy skills at primary level and the reasons for under performance at the end of middle and high school, Amadou will evaluate the impact of government interventions, such as double-shift schooling system, on learning outcomes. He will also examine the influence of secondary school performance on student outcomes at the university level and whether admission standards need to be re-evaluated.

Examining the impact of linguistic inequality in primary school performance in Cameroon

YselleYselle Malah Kuete is a researcher and lecturer in Development Economics at the University of Yaoundé 2 in Cameroon.

To explore the issue of linguistic inequality and its impact on the academic performance of primary school students, especially in a multilingual context such as Cameroon, Yselle will analyze how linguistic inadequacy is a barrier and formulate recommendations to improve teaching methods in complex settings. Her research aligns with the Cameroon government's national education policies and AFEP's objectives of promoting quality education in Africa.

Exploring the roles and interactions between stakeholders in the education system in Tanzania to improve learning outcomes

JaahJaah Mkupete is a development economist and Lecturer affiliated with the University of Dar-es-Salaam, Mkwawa University College of Education, Tanzania.

Through focusing on the three main players in the education system – teachers, parents and governments (or schools) –Jaah will explore how the actions of each of these actors can help in improving learning outcomes in Tanzania. In particular, he will ask questions, such as does improving communication between parents and schools regarding children's attendance improve both school attendance and learning outcomes?; does the competitive teacher recruitment process improve teachers' quality and students' performance?; and does boosting students' aspirations improve their performance? The research directly aligns with Tanzania's policy agenda, particularly its commitment to achieve equitable quality education for all.

What makes the Africa Fellows in Education Program unique

A key motivation for the Fellows to apply for the Program was its focus on context specific research and policy solutions that emerge from it.

Amadou said: "It is important to always delve into the local factors that may have contributed to the success of a particular policy and question whether a certain policy can achieve similar successes in a different context".

The opportunity to learn from the larger African context and from the other Fellows in the Program was yet another incentive.

"As a postdoctoral fellow, I jumped at the opportunity to be part of a network of young African scholars who would improve my understanding of the education challenges facing other African countries," Heleen added.

As highlighted by Jaah, the AFEP’s ‘unwavering focus on human capital’ was a clear attraction.

"It's no secret that investing in people is the cornerstone of progress, and this program recognizes that. With a laser-like focus on nurturing human potential, it aims to unlock the talent and skills of individuals like me to drive change, not just within our borders but across the entire African continent," he said.

Group photo overlaid with text "learning through exposure"
AFEP Fellows and AFEP Director with Director and Co-Director of ifo Center for Economics of Education, Prof Ludger Woessmann and Prof Eric Hanushek. From left: Jaah Mkupete, Prof Ludger Woessmann, Amadou Jallow, Prof Eric Hanushek, Heleen Hofmeyr, and Ramaele Moshoeshoe (AFEP Director)

The Program offers the Fellows a unique opportunity to learn through interaction with leaders and policy experts in the field. For instance, within the first three months, the Fellows attended a specially tailored workshop on the ‘Economics of Education’ at the CESifo Institute and participated in the CESifo Area Conference on the same topic in Munich.

The Fellows also visited the UNESCO IIEP (International Institute for Educational planning) and the OECD’s (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) Directorate for Education and Skills in Paris.

At the IIEP, the Fellows learnt about how to use learning assessment data for monitoring, the link between quality of education and learning levels of students, and the use of data for crisis-sensitive educational planning.

At the OECD, the Fellows learned about how the PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) measures student learning, and about two surveys, including the Teaching and Leaning International Survey (TALIS) as well as the Teaching Knowledge Survey.

Further, two of the Fellows, Jaah and Yselle along with the AEFP Director Ramaele Moshoeshoe, attended a workshop on ‘Enhancing Africa-Led Research on Early Childhood Development and Foundational Learning’ organized by the Research for Equitable Access and Learning (REAL) and the Education Sub-Sahara Africa (ESSA) in Nairobi.

AFEP Fellows with their CESifo instructors
From left: Amadou Jallow, Caterina Pavese, Simon ter Meulen, Yselle Kuete (online), Jaah Mkupete, Heleen Hofmeyr, and Katharina Warner
"The Fellows discussed priority research themes on early childhood development and foundational learning as influenced by national, regional and global agendas, how multidisciplinary research can be enhanced and how funders can strengthen research capacity in this area, among other topics at the REAL-ESSA workshop," said Moshoeshoe.


The road travelled – Fellows speak

"The intensive brownbag sessions at the start of the program significantly contributed to shaping my research agenda and guiding my approach to the fellowship. In particular, the workshop at CESIfo offered a thorough understanding of existing theoretical and empirical literature and the ongoing policy discussions, which have already helped me position my research agenda better. 

For instance, I have established a connection with The Gambia's Ministry of Basic and Secondary Education and we are setting up a team to facilitate access to data to gain insights. Feedback from experts like Hanushek, Woessmann, Eliana La Ferrara reassured me about the significance of my work and has also illuminated potential avenues for expanding my research into related areas." 

— Amadou Jallow
"The weekly brown bags at which we present our progress have really helped me in refining the questions I hope to address in my research and getting clarity on how I will accomplish this. The trip to Europe, in particular, was an incredible opportunity to learn from some of the most prominent education economists and the exposure has made it clear to me that the economics of education as a discipline requires rigorous evidence from Africa.

The bulk of evidence that is currently being published in top-ranked journals is based on evidence from high-income countries, and the applicability of these findings to African contexts remains unknown. Building an African evidence base of what works to improve learning outcomes for the continent is critical, especially as from 2026 onwards sub-Saharan Africa will have the highest number of children under 18 globally.

On the policy front, on returning from Europe, I immediately met with policy makers in the national education department in South Africa and plan to keep engaging with them as I continue with my research

—Heleen Hofmeyr
Yselle and Jaah
Yselle Mallah Kuete (left) and Jaah Mkupete (right) at the REAL-ESSA workshop in Nairobi
"Presenting my research proposal to an expert audience at the CESifo workshop in Germany and at UNESCO IIEP and OECD in Paris was a privilege for me. As we delved into critical topics such as human capital models and measures of education quality, I deepened my understanding of global educational challenges and was inspired to continue seeking innovative solutions for Africa. These discussions have spurred me to contemplate the potential impact of my research on education policies not just in Cameroon but on other African countries as well.

I also gained valuable insights from how countries like Germany and France approach international assessments such as PISA and this has informed my ideas on how to engage with policymakers in our region and contribute to effective policymaking."

Yselle Malah Kuete
"The structure of the program itself is a testament to its commitment to excellence. It provides a well-defined path that allows me, as an African scholar, to excel both in research and policy influence, and make a real world impact.

Another standout feature of the program is its mentorship component. Having access to experienced mentors who have walked a similar path is invaluable. Importantly, the program offers ample opportunities to network and connect with well-established professionals in the field. Building a robust network is not just about who you know, but the wealth of knowledge and experience that these connections bring. It's a chance to engage in meaningful discussions, collaborate on projects, and forge relationships that can last a lifetime.

As I take my first steps into this program, I'm filled with enthusiasm and anticipation. It's more than just an educational pursuit; it's a chance to be part of something greater, to contribute to the development of my country, and to be a positive force for change in Africa."

Jaah Mkupete

Find out more about the Africa Fellows in Education Program (AFEP).


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