Advocating for better information to improve tax compliance in Benin

October 29, 2021 | Cotonou, Benin

A team of local PEP researchers held a national policy conference to show how informing property owners of their rights and duties can increase tax compliance.

October 29, 2021 – A team of local PEP researchers held a national policy conference to share their recommendations for improving tax compliance in Benin.

The team brought together more than 40 policy stakeholders and advisors, academics, representatives of civil society and the private sector for the event. The key policy stakeholders in attendance were representatives of the Ministry of the Economy and Finance (MEF)—including officers from the Directorate General of the Treasury and Public Accounts (DGTCP) and the Directorate General of Taxes (DGI)—as well as of the Ministries of Development, and of Decentralisation and Local Governance (MDGL).

The PEP team presented findings and recommendations from their PEP project investigating ways to increase tax compliance in Benin

The team explained that a community-centred outreach campaign based on persuasive and dissuasive measures related to the payment of property tax when distributing tax notices can significantly increase tax compliance.

The audience showed much interest in the research with a policy advisor from the MDGL stating that the team’s findings are very important for local resource mobilization. 

Three journalists reported from the event, including from Reporter Benin Monde (see video above, in French), raising the profile of the team’s results and recommendations among the general public.

The research team organized the event with financial and advisory support from PEP. 


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