Research Co-Director - Micro Group
Professor, University of Florence Italy
Luca Tiberti has a Ph.D. in development economics from the University of Florence (2008). His main research interests are applied microeconomics, poverty and socio-economic impact of climate shocks. He worked between 2008 and 2010 as a researcher at UNICEF Innocenti Research Centre. After three years as a researcher at UNICEF Innocenti Research Centre, he joined PEP and Laval University in January 2011. During his time at Laval, he has moved from post-doctorate researcher, to research fellow, assistant professor and, in 2021, associate professor. He returned to the University of Florence in November 2020, where he is now an Associate Professor.
Luca Tiberti is the Co-Director of PEP's Microeconomic Analysis group, resource person and member of PEP's program committee. He is also the director of the PEP-Laval graduate microprogram (online courses) on Applied Development Economics.
He has published in journals such as Economic Journal, Economic Development and Cultural Change, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, World Development, Food Policy, Review of Income and Wealth, European Review of Agricultural Economics, Journal of Development Studies, Journal of Nutrition, Economics of Transition and Journal of African Economies. Download the CV
Program committee Microanalysis group - Scientific support team List of PEP projects