Understanding the economic impact of COVID-19 in Kenya

A woman washes her children's hands in Kakuma refugee camp, Kenya

Despite progress in Kenya's economy after the 2008 global recession, the economic impact of the Covid-19 crisis dealt a blow to its once-improving growth prospects. The International Monetary Fund projected that real GDP would grow at an average annual rate of nearly 6% between 2020 and 2024. Despite this, economic output was slowed by the pandemic. In response, the national government implemented its Economic Recovery Strategy to address the adverse effects of the pandemic on employment, domestic demand and production and reduced international market access. A team of local PEP researchers conducted an analysis of the economy to understand the distribution effects of the pandemic and the relative importance of transmission channels. Their findings showed that the decline in output was uneven across industries and communities, highlighting the need for targeted policy responses. Find out more about the research methods, findings and policy recommendations in the following PEP publications:

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