Social protection to the informal sector in Argentina: role of minimum wage and income transfer policies


The aim of this PEP-supported project - selected for support under the first round of the PAGE initiative, in 2013 - is to analyse the characteristics of minimum wage and income transfer policies implemented in Argentina from 2001 to 2012, as well as to produce evidence regarding the consequences that modifications of these policies have had on the functioning of the labour market, with special emphasis on the informal sector. Among other things, the researchers have found that in Argentina, increasing the minimum wage level does not reduce employment, nor increase informality, and that conditional cash transfers do not reduce the economic participation of beneficiaries. To produce such evidence, the researchers have applied a series of microeconomic analytical techniques on data from the national Permanent Household Surveys, available since 2003 and for each year of the concerned period (i.e. until 2012). Find out more about their methods and findings through the following PEP publications:

Project code


Logo global affairs canada
Logo Hewlett Foundation
Logo IDRC - CRDI Canada
Logo Mastercard Foundation
European Union
Fonds d'innovation pour le Développement
Global Education Analytics Institute