Better coordination between youth employment programmes can increase their effectiveness in Uganda

Youth learning at Uganda apple farm

High rates of unemployment and vulnerable employment undermine the fundamental rights of youth in Uganda. The government has implemented a number of youth employment programmes and policies (YEPs) but these have so far failed to generate sufficient jobs to meet the demand. A team of local PEP researchers evaluated these YEPs. They found that the programmes are individually quite effective but disjointed, limiting their overall effect on reducing youth unemployment. The team provided a number of recommendations to increase youth employability. These include creating a strong institutional framework for YEPs, promoting youth entrepreneurship holistically, reducing political interference in YEPs, and standardising qualifications and training.

Find out more about the research methods, findings and policy recommendations in the following PEP publications:


Working Paper 2023-16 | Policy Brief 276 | More about the What Works for Youth Employment in Africa  initiative, supported in partnership with the Mastercard Foundation

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