External publications from PEP staff

The following lists articles published by PEP scientific mentors, staff, research fellows and lead researchers in international peer-reviewed journals or collective works.

Return to external publications from PEP-supported researchers and projects.


PEP author(s) Co-authors Title of paper Title of Economic Review Bibl. references
Veronica Amarante Gerardo Escaroz, Carlos Galian, Monica Rubio Children Do Care: Novel Findings from Colombia and Mexico Child Indicators Research Published online
16 September 2024

Thierno Malick DialloLucas Ronconi


Beyond the law-in-the-books: Labour enforcement in Senegal

The Economic and Labour Relations Review

Published online
2024:1-16. doi:10.1017/elr.2024.12

Marjan Petreski

Stefan Tanevski,
Irena Stojmenovska

Employment, labor productivity and environmental sustainability: Firm-level evidence from transition economies

Business Strategy and Development Online


PEP author(s) Co-authors Title of paper Title of Economic Review Bibl. references

Jane MariaraMichael N. Murigi

Phyllis Mumia Machio, Margaret Chemengich

Links between firm registration and performance: Does it pay to register?

World Development


Jane MariaraPeter Babyenda Sule Odhiambo Climate variability and agricultural productivity in Uganda African Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics Online


PEP author(s) Co-authors Title of paper Title of Economic Review Bibl. references

Jane Mariara

Joseph Cook, Peter Kimuyu

Happy at Work in Africa? Measuring Hedonic Well-Being Among Water Carriers in Rural Kenya Using the Experience Sampling Method

Journal of Happiness Studies



PEP author(s) Co-authors Title of paper Title of Economic Review Bibl. references

Guy LacroixLuca Tiberti

Olivier Bargain

Intrahousehold Resource Allocation and Individual Poverty: Assessing Collective Model Predictions Against Direct Evidence on Sharing

The Economic Journal


Jane Mariara

David Fuente, Peter Kimuyu, Mbutu Mwaura, Dale Whittington

Assessing the Performance of Water and Sanitation Tariffs: The Case of Nairobi, Kenya

Advancing Earth and Space Science

Vol. 57, Issue 9,
September 2021,


Kibrom AbayLuca TibertiMulubrhan Amare

Kwaw S Andam

COVID-19-Induced Disruptions of School Feeding Services Exacerbate Food Insecurity in Nigeria

The Journal of Nutrition

May 2021




PEP author(s)


Title of paper

Title of Economic Review

Bibl. references

Nikica Mojsoska-BlazevskiMarjan Petreski

Dominika Stojanovska

Female Labour Market Inactivity in a Traditional Society: Should we Change the Culture?

Book: Social Exclusion and Labour Market Challenges in the Western Balkans; Eds. Bartlett, W., Monastiriotis, V., Koutroumpis, P.

Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2020
Chapter 7,
pp. 117-150

Martin Henseler

Ruth Delzeit, Marcel Adenäuer, Sarah Baum & Peter Kreins 

Nitrogen Tax and Set-Aside as Greenhouse Gas Abatement Policies Under Global Change Scenarios: A Case Study for Germany

Environmental and Resource Economics

May 2020


Jane Mariara

Arjan de Haan, Gillian Dowie

To RCT or not, is not the question: Methods for policy-relevant research on gender equality

World Development

Vol. 127, March 2020, 104794



PEP author(s)


Title of paper

Title of Economic Review

Bibl. references

Guillermo Cruces

Pablo Acosta, Sebastian Galiani and Leonardo Gasparini

Educational upgrading and returns to skills in Latin America: evidence from a supply–demand framework

Latin American Economic Review

(2019) 28: 18.


Ana Lúcia Kassouf


Child labour and children’s right to a better life

The Lancet
Child & Adolescent Health

Vol 3 (12), 845-847, 2019


Marzia Fontana

Sudha Narayanan, Erin Lent, Anuradha De, Bharati Kulkarni

Developing the Women's Empowerment in Nutrition Index in Two States of India

Food Policy

Volume 89, December 2019, 101780


Jorge Davalos

Jean-Marc Montaud, Nicolas Pécastaing

Potential effects of scaling-up infrastructure in Peru: a general equilibrium model-based analysis

Applied Economics


Jane Mariara

Mulubrhan Amare, Remco Oostendorp, Menno Pradhan

The impact of smallholder farmers’ participation in avocado export markets on the labor market, farm yields, sales prices, and incomes in Kenya

Land Use Policy

Vol. 88, 
Nov 2019, 104168


Francesca MarchettaLuca Tiberti

David E Sahn

The Role of Weather on Schooling and Work of Young Adults in Madagascar

American Journal of Agricultural Economics

Vol. 101 (4), July 2019, 1203–1227


Francesca Marchetta

Tom Dilly 

Supporting Education in Africa: Opportunities and Challenges for an Impact Investor

FERDI - Fondation pour les études et recherches sur le développement international; I&P - Investisseurs et Partenaires

2019. hal-02288103


Jane Mariara

Richard Mulwa

Adaptation to climate change and climate variability and its implications for household food security in Kenya

Food Security


Martin Henseler

Ingmar Schumacher

The impact of weather on economic growth and its production factors

Climatic Change

Volume 154 (3–4), June 2019, ​​​​​​417–433


See also: Climate breakdown drives inequality

Lucas Ronconi

Rodrigo Zarazaga

Household-Based Clientelism: Brokers’ Allocation of Temporary Public Works Programs in Argentina

Studies in Comparative International Development


Lucas Ronconi


Enforcement of Labor Regulations in Developing countries

IZA World of Labor


Marcos Agurto Adrianzén

Hugo Fiestas Chevez, Wenceslao Nuñez Morales, Valeria Quevedo, Susana Vegas Chiyón

Study-group diversity and early college academic outcomes: Experimental evidence from a higher education inclusion program in Peru

Economics of Education Review

Vol. 72, October 2019, pp 131-146


Martin Cicowiez

Onil Banerjee, Adela Moreda

Evaluating the Economic Viability of Public Investments in Tourism

Journal of Benefit-Cost Analysis


Martin Cicowiez

Onil Banerjee, Mark Horridge, Renato Vargas

Evaluating synergies and trade-offs in achieving the SDGs of zero hunger and clean water and sanitation: An application of the IEEM Platform to Guatemala

Ecological Economics 

Vol 161: 280–291. July 2019


Martin Cicowiez

Onil Banerjee, Renato Vargas, Mark Horridge

The SEEA-based Integrated Economic-Environmental Modelling framework: an illustration with Guatemala's forest and fuelwood sector

Environmental and Resource Economics 

Vol 72 (2): 539–558. 2019



PEP author(s)


Title of paper

Title of Economic Review

Bibl. references

Luca TibertiMartin CicowiezJohn Cockburn


A Top-Down with Behaviour (TDB) Microsimulation Toolkit for Distributive Analysis

International Journal of Microsimulations

Vol. 11 (2)


María Laura AlzúaHabiba Djebbari

Amy J Pickering

A Community Based Program Promotes Sanitation

Economic Development and Cultural Change


Lucas Ronconi

Juan Casazza, Eduardo Reese

The incidence of the provision of infrastructures in the price of land

Revista Latinoamericana de Estudio Urbano Regionales

Vol. 44 (135), 5-28


Jorge Davalos

Nicolas Pécastaing, Andy Inga

The effect of Peru's CDM investments on households’ welfare: An econometric approach

Energy Policy 

Vol. 123, December,

Luca Tiberti
Hélène Maisonnave,
Margaret Chitiga

Ramos Emmanuel Mabugu 

The Economy-wide Impacts of the South African Child Support Grant: A Microsimulation-Computable General Equilibrium Analysis

World Development

Vol. 112 (2018)

Jane Mariara

Andy McKay,
Andy Newell,
Cinzia Rienzo

Gender gaps in the path to adulthood for young females and males in six African countries from the 1990s to the 2010s

IZA Journal of Development and Migration



Jorge Davalos


Trade openness effects on informality and the real exchange rate channel 

Applied Economics Letters



John Cockburn,
Martin Henseler
Hélène Maisonnave,
Luca Tiberti


Vulnerability and policy responses in the face of natural resource discoveries and climate change

Environment and Development Economics

Vol 23 (5):


Martin Cicowiez

Onil Banerjee,
Emily Morris,
Adela Moreda

Boosting tourism’s contribution to growth and development: analysis of the evidence 

Review of Development Economics

Vol 22 (3):


Martin Cicowiez

Onil Banerjee,
Thomas Ochuodhoc,
Michel Masozera,
Bernabas Wolde,
Pankaj Lal,
Sebastian Dudek,
Janaki R.R. Alavalapati

Financing the sustainable management of Rwanda’s protected areas

Journal of Sustainable Tourism

Vol 26 (8):


Paola Ballon


A Structural Equation Model of Female Empowerment 

Journal of Development Studies

Vol 54 (8):


Paola Ballon

Elise Klein

Rethinking Measures of Psychological Agency: A Study on the Urban Fringe of Bamako

Journal of Development Studies

Vol 54 (8): 


Lucas Ronconi

Ravi Kanbur

Enforcement Matters: The Effective Regulation of Labor

International Labour Review


Paola Ballon,
John Cockburn

Sylvain Dessy,  Setou Diarra

Child Monetary Poverty and Multidimensional Deprivations: Why They Differ

Journal of African Economies

Vol 27 (4):


Marcelo Bérgolo

Estefanía Galván

Intra-household Behavioral Responses to Cash Transfer Programs. Evidence from a Regression Discontinuity Design

World Development

Vol 103,
(March 2018):


Martin Henseler,
Hélène Maisonnave


Low world oil prices: A chance to reform fuel subsidies and promote public transport? A case study for South Africa

Transportation Research Part A:
Policy and Practice

Vol 108,
(February 2018):


Lucas Ronconi

Sabina Dewan

US Free Trade Agreements and Enforcement of Labor Law in Latin America

Industrial Relations: A Journal of Economy and Society

Vol 57 (1):


Guy Lacroix

Badi Baltagi, Georges Bresson, Anoop Chaturvedi

Robust Linear Static Panel Data Models Using Epsilon-Contamination

Journal of Econometrics

Vol 202 (1):


Guy Lacroix

Anyck Dauphin, Bernard Fortin

Is Consumption Efficiency Within Households Falsifiable?

Review of Economics of the Household

Vol 16 (3): 


Sébastien Mathouraparsad,
Bernard Decaluwé


Une analyse comparative des économies des DOM à travers les matrices de comptabilité sociale

Revue d’Economie Régionale et Urbaine

N° 1/2018: 


PEP author(s)


Title of paper

Title of Economic Review

Bibl. references

André Lemelin

Luc Savard

Réforme fiscale : quel rôle pour les modèles d'équilibre général calculable ?

L’Actualité économique 

Vol. 93 (3), September,


María Laura Alzúa

Cecilia Velázquez

The effect of education on teenage fertility: causal evidence for Argentina 

IZA Journal of Migration and Development

2017, 7:7

María Laura Alzúa

Michael Harris, Nicolas Osbert and Amy Pickering

Community-level sanitation coverage is more strongly associated with child growth and household drinking water quality than access to a private toilet in rural Mali 

Environmental Science and Technology

Vol 51(12):

Sébastien Mathouraparsad

Alain Maurin, Jean-Gabriel Montauban

Measuring the Multiplier Effects of Tourism industry to the Economy 

Advances in Management and Applied Economics

Vol 7 (2):

Abdelkrim Araar


A Comparative Analysis of Subsidies and Subsidy Reforms in the Middle East and North Africa Region


The Quest for Subsidy Reforms in Libya

In The Quest for Subsidies Reforms in the Middle East and North Africa Region: A Microsimulation Approach to Policy Making

Eds. P. Verne and A. Araaar

Springer International Publishing, 2017

Martin Henseler,
Hélène Maisonnave,
Lulit Mitik Beyene

Onil Banerjee, Mercedes Velasco

An Integrated Model for Evaluating Investments in Cultural Heritage Tourism in the Dominican Republic 

Tourism Economics

Vol 23 (8):


Martin Cicowiez

Onil Banerjee, Jamie Cotta

Economics of tourism investment in data scarce countries. 

Annals of Tourism Research

Vol 60

Martin Cicowiez

P. Ruben Mercado

Crecimiento argentino en el largo plazo: un modelo intertemporal y una agenda empírica 

Desarrollo Económico

Vol 55

Bruno Larue

Sébastien Pouliot, Mohamed Jeddy

On the Number and Heterogeneity of Bidders in Livestock Auctions 

Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics

Vol 64 (2):

André Lemelin


Current Account Balances, Exchange Rates, and Fundamental Properties of Walrasian CGE World Models: A Pedagogical Exposition 

Journal of Global Economic Analysis

Vol 2 (1):

Martin Henseler

Til Feike

Multiple Policy Instruments for Sustainable Water Management in Crop Production - A Modeling Study for the Chinese Aksu-Tarim Region

Ecological Economics

Vol 135
(May 2017):

Martin Cicowiez

Javier Alejo, Luciano Di Gresia, Sergio Olivieri and Ana Pacheco

Export taxes, world prices, and poverty in Argentina: a dynamic CGE-microsimulation analysis

International Journal of Microsimulation

Vol 9 (1):

Martin Cicowiez

Onil BanerjeeRenato Vargas, Mark Horridge.

A conceptual framework for integrated economic-environmental modelling

Journal of Environment & Development 

Vol 25 (3):

Martin Cicowiez

Hans Lofgren

A Proximity-based approach to labor mobility in CGE models with an application to Sub-Saharan Africa

Journal of Global Economic Analysis 

2017, Vol 2 (1):

Erwin L. Corong

Thomas W. Hertel, Robert McDougall, Marinos E. Tsigas, Dominique van der Mensbrugghe

The Standard GTAP Model, Version 7

Journal of Global Economic Analysis

2017, Vol 2 (1):

John Cockburn

Yélé Batana 

La pauvreté des enfants, des adultes et des personnes âgées dans le monde

Pauvreté quotidienne, pauvreté planétaire,
Éd. Gérard Duhaime

Nota Bene,
Montreal, Canada
Available online

John Cockburn

Véronique Robichaud and Luca Tiberti

Energy Subsidy Reform and Poverty in Arab Countries: A Comparative CGE-Microsimulation Analysis of Egypt and Jordan

Review of Income and Wealth

2017, Vol. 64(1), S249-S273 Online

Luca Tiberti

Marco Tiberti

Food Price Changes and Household Welfare: What do we learn from two different approaches?

Journal of Development Studies

Available online

Abdelkrim Araar

Luis Huesca Reynoso

Comparison of fiscal system progressivity over time: theory and application in Mexico

Estudios Económicos, El Colegio de México, Centro de Estudios Económicos

Vol 31 (1) :


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