Further Reading
Southern Participation and Leadership in Economic Development Debates
Articles | Books | Blogs | Other
Aigner E, Greenspon J, Rodrik D. (2024). The Global Distribution of Authorship in Economics Journals. Harvard University Working Paper.
Amarante, V., Burger, R., Chelwa, G., Cockburn, J., Kassouf, A., McKay, A., & Zurbrigg, J. (2021). Underrepresentation of developing country researchers in development research. Applied Economics Letters, 1-6.
Amarante, V., & Zurbrigg, J. (2020). Research on Development Issues from the Southern World. PEP Working Paper.
Amarante, V., & Zurbrigg, J. (2022). The marginalization of southern researchers in Development. World Development Perspectives, 26, 100428.
Angus, S. D., Atalay, K., Newton, J., & Ubilava, D. (2021). Geographic diversity in economic publishing. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 190, 255-262. Data on GitHub: https://t.co/VYdIGlMJMr
Blicharska, M., Smithers, R., Kuchler, M. et al. (2017). Steps to overcome the North–South divide in research relevant to climate change policy and practice. Nature Climate Change, 7(1), 21-27.
Das, J., Do, Q. T., Shaines, K., & Srikant, S. (2013). US and them: The geography of academic research. Journal of Development Economics, 105, 112-130.
Heckman, J. J., & Moktan, S. (2020). Publishing and promotion in economics: the tyranny of the top five. Journal of Economic Literature, 58(2), 419-70.
Hirvonen, K. (2020). This is US: Geography of evidence in top health economics journals. Health Economics, 29(10), 1316-1323.
Kaplan, L., Kuhnt, J., & Steinert, J. I. (2020). Do no harm? Field research in the Global South: Ethical challenges faced by research staff. World Development, 127, 104810.
Kassouf, A., Ronconi, L. (2022). Obstacles that Southern Researchers Face in Publishing in Economics Journals, and Why the Research Community Should Care. PEP Working Paper.
Liverpool, L. Researchers from global south under-represented in development research. Nature.
Mabugu, R.., Ahmed, V., Chitiga-Mabugu, M. Omotoso, K. (2022). Marginalization of Researchers in the Global South in Global, Regional, and National Economic-Development Consulting. PEP Working Paper.
McLean, R. K., & Sen, K. (2019). Making a difference in the real world? A meta-analysis of the quality of use-oriented research using the Research Quality Plus approach. Research Evaluation, 28(2), 123-135.
Meagher, K. (2021). Introduction: The Politics of Open Access—Decolonizing Research or Corporate Capture?. Development and Change, 52(2), 340-358.
Nunn, N. (2019). Rethinking economic development. Canadian Journal of Economics/Revue canadienne d'économique, 52(4), 1349-1373.
Oti, S. O., & Ncayiyana, J. (2021). Decolonising global health: where are the Southern voices?. BMJ Global Health, 6(7), e006576.
Ronconi, L., Arunatilake, N., Perez, J., Emini, C. (2021). Assessing the Participation of Researchers from Lower-Middle-Income Countries in Economic-Development-Policy Debates. PEP Working Paper.
Ronconi, L., Kassouf, A. (2023). Demand-side Obstacles to Publishing Economics Research: A View from the South. Progress in Development Studies, 23(1), pp 99-105
Cooper, A., Batan, C., & Causa, L. K. (2021). The Oxford Handbook of Global South Youth Studies. Oxford University Press
Democracy in Africa (2022). How can we address global knowledge inequalities in international research partnerships? By Wandji, Brandt, Falisse, Kirusha, Marchais & Matabishi
FP2P (2021). We Barely Know These Researchers from the South! Reflections on Problematic Assumptions about Local Research Collaborators. By Emery Mudinga
FP2P (2022). Northern Institutions Dominate International Development Research: So What? By Duncan Green
Globaldev (2022). Geographical inequality in global debates about development policy. By Verónica Amarante , Arunatilake, Nisha , Ronelle Burger , Ana Lucía Kassouf , Lucas Ronconi
Institute of Development Studies, Opinion (2023) What is a “development” research project? Transforming ideas of development through development research by Peter Taylor, IDS Director of Research
ISS Blog (2021) EADI ISS Conference 2021 | Some steps for decolonising international research-for-development partnerships. By Katarzyna Cieslik, Shreya Sinha, Cees Leeuwis, Tania Eulalia Martínez-Cruz, Nivedita Narain, Bhaskar Vira
OECD Development Matters (2021) How can research help Least Developed Countries achieve sustainable development? By Kunal Sen
On Think Tanks (2021). How have southern think tanks responded to the pandemic? By Vaqar Ahmed
PEP - Context Matters Blog Series
- Ask the right questions to design the right policy (2023). Interview with Nisha Arunatilake
PEP - Localisation Blog Series
World Bank Blog (2021). Evidence from the AEA RCT Registry on new research during Covid-19: Guest post by Jack Cavanagh, Maya Duru, Sabhya Gupta, Sarah Kopper, and Keesler Welch.
On Think Tanks (2024). From consensus to change: reclaiming southern agency in international research
The Bridgespan Group (Report, 2021). Disparities in Funding for African NGOs. Mosun Layode, Jan Schwier, Siya Hayi-Charters, Maddie Holland, Soa Andrian.
CODESRIA Bulletin (2020). Randomised Control Trials and Development Research in Africa. Special Issue Number 1, 2020.
The Conversation (2021). Reuters’ Hot List of climate scientists is geographically skewed: why this matters.
Feinstein International Center Tufts University (2023):
- [Webinar] The Localization of Humanitarian Research Webinar.
- [Report] “Co-investigators but with different power”: Local voices on the localization of humanitarian research.
International Development Research Centre. Decolonizing knowledge systems: towards a practical Southern-led approach (project)
Institute of Development Studies (2024). Against decolonisation: On Africa’s place in the global circuit of ideas [lecture video]
Project Syndicate (2021). Economics Has Another Diversity Problem. By Dani Rodrik.
Rodrik, D., & Greenspon, J. (2021). A Note on the Global Distribution of Authorship in Economics Journals. [Discussion paper]
Swiss Commission for Research Partnership with Developing Countries (1998). Guidelines for Research in Partnership with Developing Countries - 11 Principles.
Elsevier (Report, 2023). Back to Earth: Landing Real-world Impact in Research Evaluation
Nature Helicopter Research (2022) . Editorial : Nature addresses helicopter research and ethics dumping