Seven shortlisted teams were invited to benefit from policy engagement and technical training prior to presenting their project proposals, for final evaluation and selection for support under the Climate Change in Africa initiative, funded by Global Affairs Canada.
May 18-20 - Best Practices for Policy Engagement
Shortlisted team members participated in a three-part workshop to learn about key principles and best practices for engaging with policy stakeholders and designing research that directly addresses existing policy needs. Download the presentations:
- Understanding policy processes
- Designing research to fit policy needs
- Designing your engagement strategy
May 27-28 - Technical training: Gender and climate change policy analysis
A two-part workshop focusing on the analytical tools and methods applied as part of the research work to be supported under this initiative.
The first day, Alphonse Singbo, provided theory applicable to all the shortlisted teams, introducing them to gender analysis within climate change analysis. On the second day the research team members were grouped by methodology to explore how econometric models can be used in estimating the causal effect of shocks and climate change on the productivity gap (with Dr. Singbo), or how CGE models can be used to understand greenhouse gas emissions and carbon pricing (with Jérôme Gagnon-April).
May 31-June 3 - Presentations of project proposals
The seven shortlisted teams presented and discussed their project proposals with an audience of their peers and PEP-affiliated international experts. These sessions provided valuable feedback to the teams to improve their proposals.