Macro-level gender-responsive policy solutions can boost women’s economic empowerment in Tanzania Working women in Tanzania are disproportionately employed in the informal sector where ...
Central coordination of youth employment policies can increase job opportunities for youth in Kenya Unemployment and underemployment rates are particularly high among Kenya’s youth, relat...
Centralising youth employment policies in Ghana can make them more effective in addressing the unemployment problem Youth employment in Ghana is high and increasing. The situation is particularly severe ...
Integrated and inclusive actions needed to support Nigerien youth into productive, decent work In Niger between 2005 and 2018, the proportion of young people aged 15-24 who were not ...
Aligning Senegal’s national employment promotion strategy with the country’s priority sectors should enhance youth employability Youth in Senegal face particularly high rates of unemployment and precarious working co...
Better coordination between youth employment programmes can increase their effectiveness in Uganda High rates of unemployment and vulnerable employment undermine the fundamental rights o...
Addressing the unequal care burden can help women access decent work in the Philippines Women in the Philippines participate much less than men in the labour force. When they ...
Financial grants for entrepreneurs can increase youth employment in Nigeria Nigeria’s rising unemployment problem is particularly severe among the youth. The gover...
Investing in female education and expanding childcare can increase women’s access to decent work in Senegal The Senegalese government is actively promoting gender equality through various nationa...